Briefs, blogs, interviews and media
Options for Post-Brexit Agricultural Policy in the Peatlands of
Upland Britain (policy brief, 2016)
To manage or not to manage: What next for our ‘wild’ uplands?
(blog, 2016)
Academics feel blight of Brexit (2016)
What does the Stern Review mean for research impact? (2016)
Quite simply, "impact is the good that researchers can do in the
world" (2016)
Sharing the secrets of successful stakeholder engagement (2016)
10 lessons from grant proposals that led to the most significant and far-reaching impacts (2016)
The four greatest myths about using social media as a researcher (2016)
Top 40 practical tips researchers said helped them achieve impact (2016)
How to make a policy brief that has real impact (2016)
How to turn your research findings into a video that people actually want to watch (2015)
Create a social media strategy for your research that delivers real impact (2015)
How to write a winning research impact case study (2015)
Top Twitter tips for research impact (2015)
How to write a winning research impact case study (2015)
Create a social media strategy for your research that delivers real impact
What are the social and cultural costs and benefits of peatland restoration?
More than just a bog: Higher and A Level Schools Resources (2014)
Stakeholder Engagement Manual from the EU Biodiversa programme
(2014, co-authored by Mark Reed)
Visit England Case Study: Can Payment for Ecosystem Services
enhance Visitor Giving Schemes? (2014)
What should be the policy response to new research showing
damaging effects of moorland burning? (2014)
Taking account of shared and cultural values of ecosystem services
(LWEC Policy & Practice Note, 2014)
Going Peat Free (2014)
How can your research have more impact?
New research provides 5 key principles and practical tips (2014)
Valuing peatland ecosystem services for sustainable management
(ESCOM guest blog, 2014)
Shared, plural and cultural values: a handbook for decision-makers
(National Ecosystem Assessment follow-on, 2014)
Six practical ways to make your research more influential (2014)
Payment for Ecosystem Services: what does it mean for the future of our environment? (LWEC Policy & Practice Note, 2013)
How about crowd-funding your next research project? (2013)
Should research(ers) get emotional? (2013)
How vulnerable is your livelihood to climate change? (ESPA guest blog, 2013)
Why companies should be paying to protect ecosystems (Guardian Sustainable Business Blog, 2013)
Filling gaps in science with creativity: an interview with artist Anna Keleher (2013)
8 steps to making your research punch above its weight (2012)
The UK ecosystems research landscape (2012)
Can Payment for Ecosystem Services bring environmental benefits? (RELU Policy & Practice Note, 2012)
Catchment management using payments for ecosystem services to restore and maintain upland peat (Info Brief, 2012)
Spreading the cost of the Water Framework Directive via Payments for Ecosystem Services (Storify, 2012)
Knowledge Exchange Guidelines for the Living with Environmental Change partnership (2012)
How to be an effective knowledge manager (Info Brief, 2012)
The Kyoto Protocol and National Accounting for Peatlands
(Policy Brief, 2012)
The art of science communication: can the creative arts can bring a new
dimension to your research? (Guest Blog, 2012)
How to design more effective participatory decision-making processes
(Guest Blog, 2012)
Tips for dealing with conflict (Guest Blog, 2012)
Top Twitter Tips for Academics (Info Brief, 2011)
Paying to restore peatland with carbon (Policy Brief, 2011)
Putting knowledge into action: Managing knowledge to combat desertification (Info Brief, 2011)
Engaging with people affected by desertification - a guide for decision-makers (Info Brief, 2011)
Sustainable Uplands: Learning to manage future change (Info Brief, 2010)
Re-shaping land use policy for our hills (Policy Brief, 2010)
Soil & Water Conservation in Uplands: opportunities to combat climate change (Info Brief, 2007)
Tourism & Recreation in Uplands: opportunities and threats to the visitor economy (Info Brief, 2007)
The Future of Upland Farming (Info Brief, 2007)
Looking after grouse moor habitats (Info Brief, 2007)