Reports and book chapters
RECENT Reports and book chapters
McGeoch, M. A., Ordonez, A., Howard, P. L., Groom, Q. J., Shrestha, B. B., Fernandez, M., Brugnoli, E., Bwalya, B., Byun, C., Ksenofontov, S., Ojaveer, H., Simberloff, D., Mungi, N. A., Rono, B., Reed MS, et al. (2023). Chapter 6: Governance and policy options for the management of biological invasions. In: Thematic Assessment Report on Invasive Alien Species and their Control of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. In: Roy, H. E., Pauchard, A., Stoett, P., and Renard Truong, T. (eds.). The Thematic Assessment Report on Invasive Alien Species and Their Control. IPBES secretariat, Bonn, Germany.
Reed MS, Harris L, Kumar R, Lång K, Page S, Parish F, Amarasinghe P, Anshari GZ, Bamroongrugsa N, Beechener S, Carmenta R, Del Castillo D, Davidson S, Everett R, Garneau M, Gearey B, Glass J, Püschel Hoeneisen N, Hoyos-Santillan J, Kieft J, Mendham D, Noor YR, Peters J, Ray R, Robertson H, Saavedra B, Schutten H, Stringer L, Thornton S, Wijedasa L, Xiaohong Z (2022) Policy and Governance Options for Peatlands Conservation, Restoration and Sustainable Management. In: UNEP, Global Peatlands Assessment - The State of the World’s Peatlands: Evidence for action toward the conservation, restoration, and sustainable management of peatlands. Main Report. Global Peatlands Initiative. United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi.
Kopansky D, Reed MS, Kaplan M, Hughes J (2022) UNEP (2022). Global Peatlands Assessment – The State of the World’s Peatlands: Evidence for action toward the conservation, restoration, and sustainable management of peatlands. Summary for Policy Makers. Global Peatlands Initiative. United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi.
Stevens, D.B.S., McMorran, R., Glass, J., Reed MS, Rudman, H. and Grist, H., 2022. Regional Land Use Partnerships: Phase 1 Process Evaluation-Final Report: For Future Rural Policy Frameworks, Land Use and Land Reform Division.
Reed MS, Fitton R, Khuri S (2022) Stakeholder perspectives on Great North Bog investment options. Great North Bog, Yorkshire Peat Partnership.
A thumbnail and a link to this report will be added ASAP
Van Offelen, J., Brooks, S., Clough, J., Kopansky, D., Lindsay, R., Peters, J., Proctor, S., Reed MS, Scheel, P., Schutten, H. and Soto, C., 2022. UNFCCC COP26 Global Peatlands Pavilion Summary Report.
Baggaley, N., Britton, A., Sandison, F., Lilly, A., Stutter, M., Rees, R.M., Reed MS and Buckingham, S., 2022. Understanding carbon sequestration from nature-based solutions. The James Hutton Institute.
Reed MS, Waylen, K., Glass, J., Glendinning, J., McMorran, R., Peskett, L., Rudman, H., Stevens, B. and Williams, A. (2022) Land Use Partnerships using a Natural Capital Approach: Lessons for Scotland, ClimateXChange, Scottish Government.
Reed MS, 2022. How can SMEs enhance the resilience of the UK food system?.
McMorran R, Reed MS, Glass J, Rudman H, Macaulay R, McKee A, Bauer A, Peskett L (2022) Large scale land acquisition for carbon: evidence review. SEFARI, Scottish Government.
Elliot J, Ritson J, Reed MS, Kennedy-Blundell O (2022). The opportunities of agri-carbon markets: policy and practice. Oxford Farming Conference, WWF-UK and Tesco. Available online. Read the summary.
Aitkenhead, M., Castellazzi, M., McKeen, M., Hare, M., Artz, R., Reed MS (2021) Peatland restoration and potential emissions savings on agricultural land: an evidence assessment. ClimateXChange
Stewart GB, Glendell M, McMorran R, Troldborg M, Gagkas Z, Ovando P, Roberts M, Maynard C, Williams A, Clay G, Reed MS. Uplandia: making better policy in complex upland systems. Final Report to Defra and Natural England, 2021.
Reed MS, Kenter JO, Hansda R, Martin J, Curtis T, Saxby H, Mills L, Post J, Garrod G, Proctor A, Collins O, Guy JA, Stewart G, Whittingham M (2020) Social barriers and opportunities to the implementation of the England Peat Strategy. Final Report to Natural England and Defra, Newcastle University. DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.23295.23208
Reed MS, Meagher L (2019) Using evidence in environment and sustainability issues. In: Boaz A, Davies H, Fraser A, Nutley S (eds.) What Works Now? Evidence-based policy and practice revisited. The Policy Press, Bristol.
Shah H, McDonald I, Reed MS, Buckmaster S (2019) Bringing Research to the Fore. Lessons from development a greater research culture in a STEM department within a teaching-focussed University. Edulearn19 Conference Proceedings.
Reed MS, Ojo, M., Young, D., Goodyer, E. (2019) Reporting progress under IUCN Resolution 43: Securing the future for global peatlands. WCC 2016 Res 043 - Activity Report, IUCN, Gland.
OLDER Reports and book chapters
Vella S, Reed MS (2016) Friend? Foe? Or Equal? Exploring the student-supervisor relationship. In: Cronshaw S, McMaster C, Murphy C, McMaster CN (eds.) Postgraduate Study in the UK – Surviving and Succeeding. Libri Publishing
Fish R, Saratsi E, Reed MS, Keune H (2016) Stakeholder participation in ecosystem service decision-making. In Haines-Young R, Potschin M, Fish R, Turner K. Handbook on Ecosystem Services, Earthscan.
Holden, J., Bonn, A., Reed MS, Buckmaster, S., Walker, J., Evans, M.G. & Worrall, F. (2016) Peatland conservation at the science-practice interface. In Peatland Restoration and Ecosystem Services: Science, Policy and Practice (eds A. Bonn, T. Allott, M.G. Evans, H. Joosten & R. Stoneman). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Stoneman, R., Bain, C., Locky, D., Mawdsley, N., McLaughlan, M., Kumaran-Prentice, S., Reed MS, Swales, V. (2016). Policy drivers for peatland conservation. In Peatland Restoration and Ecosystem Services: Science, Policy and Practice (eds A. Bonn, T. Allott, M.G. Evans, H. Joosten & R. Stoneman). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Carter, C., Reed MS (2016) Parks and climate change: Challenges to the protected area landscape and emerging policy and management responses’ in Hammer, T., Mose, I., Siegrist, D. and Weixlbaumer, N. (Eds.) Parks of the Future! Protected areas in Europe challenging regional and global change. (Munich: Oekom), pp. 37-46.
Reed MS, Stringer LC (2015) Impulse Report – Climate change and desertification: Anticipating, assessing & adapting to future change in drylands. Prepared with the contribution of an international panel of experts. Presented at the UNCCD 3rd Scientific Conference. United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, Agropolis International, Montpellier, France. ISBN: 978-2-35682-379-3
Musekamp C, Quillérou E, Favretto N, Falk T, Salha A, Schmidt L, Reed MS, Buckmaster S (2015) Practitioner's Guide: pathways and options for action and stakeholder engagement. United Nations Economics of Land Degradation initiative
Kenter, J.O., Reed MS (2015) Taking account of the shared values of ecosystem services. Bulletin of the British Ecological Society 46: 37-39.
Attlee, A., Reed MS, Adams, D., Lambert, E. (2015) Sustainability 2.0: New strategies for achieving behaviour change in a more connected world. In: Kopnina, H. and Shoreman-Ouimet, E. (eds.) Sustainability: Key Issues. Routledge, pp. 183-198.
Reed MS, Sidoli del Ceno, J. (2015) Alternative approaches to managing conservation conflicts: from top-down to bottom-up. In Juliette Young and Steve Redpath (Eds.) Conflicts in conservation: strategies for coping with a changing world, Cambridge University Press.
Kenter, J.O., Reed MS (2014). Valuing the Dark Peak: A Deliberative Approach to Payments for Peatland Ecosystem Services. Report to the Moors for the Future Partnership.
Albon, S., Turner, K., Watson, R., Anger, A., Baker, J., Bateman, I., Bentley, S., Blyth, N., Bowles-Newark, N., Brown, C., Brown, I., Byrne, J., Church, A., Coates, P., Cowap, C., Dickie, I., Elliott, M., Everard, M., Gosling, L., Grayson, N., Haines-Young, R., Harrison, P., Kelly, M., Kenter, J., Martin, K., Maxwell, S., McCarthy, D., Mee, L., Monk, K., Mortimer, D., Osborn, D., Owen, R., Ranger S., Reed MS, Russel, D., Scott, A., Thompson, D., Tierney, M., Waters, R., Wharfe, J., Whitbread, T., Williams, D., Wilson, B., Wilson, L. (2014). UK National Ecosystem Assessment follow on: Synthesis of the Key Findings. UNEP-WCMC, LWEC, UK.
Kenter, J.O., Reed MS, Irvine, K.N., O'Brien, E., Brady, E., Bryce, R., Christie, M., Church, A., Cooper, N., Davies, A., Hockley, N., Fazey, I., Jobstvogt, N., Molloy, C., Orchard-Webb, J., Ravenscroft, N., Ryan, M., Watson, V. (2014) UK National Ecosystem Assessment follow-on phase, technical report: Shared, Plural and Cultural Values of Ecosystems. UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge.
Kenter, J.O., Reed MS, Irvine, K.N., O'Brien, E., Brady, E., Bryce, R., Christie, M., Church, A., Cooper, N., Davies, A., Hockley, N., Fazey, I., Jobstvogt, N., Molloy, C., Orchard-Webb, J., Ravenscroft, N., Ryan, M., Watson, V. (2014) Shared, Plural and Cultural Values: A Handbook for Decision-Makers. UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge.
Cris R, Buckmaster S, Bain C, Reed MS (Eds.) (2014) Global Peatland Restoration: demonstrating success. IUCN UK National Committee Peatland Programme, Edinburgh. ISBN 978-0-9570572-3-4
Eves C, Couldrick L, Everard M, Reed MS, Carlisle D, McNab D (2014) Developing the Evidence Base on PES Beneficiaries in England. Defra Final Report.
de Vente, J., Reed MS, Stringer, L.C., Valente, S., Newig, J. (2014) How does the context and design of participatory decision-making processes affect their outcomes? Evidence from sustainable land management in global drylands. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria, 27 April–2 May, Geophysical Research Abstracts 16, EGU2014-14537.
Favretto, N., Stringer, L.C., Dougill, A.J., Perkins, J.S., Atlhopheng, J.R., Reed MS, Thomas, A., Mulale, K. (2014) Time-series analysis of policies and market prices for provisioning ecosystem services in Botswana's Kalahari rangelands. Report for the Economics of Land Degradation Initiative. Leeds, UK, 19 pg [online]. Available from:
Scott K, Reed MS, Bradley S, Bryce R and Curzon R. (2013) Honey Bee Health: Mapping, analysis and improved understanding of stakeholder groups to help sustain honey bee health. Defra Final Report, Project Code PH051: London.
Reed MS, Bonn A, Evans C, Joosten H, Bain C, Farmer J, Emmer I, Couwenberg J, Moxey A, Artz R, Tanneberger F, von Unger M, Smyth M, Birnie R, Inman I, Smith S, Quick T, Cowap C, Prior S, Lindsay R (2013) Peatland Code Research Project Final Report, Defra, London.
Reed MS, Rowcroft P, Cade S, Savege S, Scott A, Black J, Brace A, Evely AC, White C (2013) Visitor Giving Payment for Ecosystem Service Pilot Final Report, Defra, London.
Reed MS, Cowap C, Hirst V, Smith SM (2012) Case study: developing a place-based Payment for Ecosystem Service scheme for South West peatlands, ESKTN/NERC.
Quick T, Reed MS, Smyth M, Birnie D, Bain C, Rowcroft P (2013) Developing place-based approaches for Payments for Ecosystem Services, Defra Final Report
Smith, S., Rowcroft, P., Everard, M., Couldrick, L., Reed MS, Rogers, H., Quick, T., Eves, C. and White, C. (2013). Payments for Ecosystem Services: A Best Practice Guide. Defra, London.
Kenter, J.O., Bryce, R., Davies, A., Jobstvogt, N., Watson, V., Ranger, S., Solandt, J.L., Duncan, C., Christie, M., Crump, H., Irvine, K.N., Pinard, M., Reed MS (2013). The value of potential marine protected areas in the UK to divers and sea anglers. UK National Ecosystem Assessment interim report. UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge, UK.
Artz, R.R.E., Donnelly, D., Cuthbert, A., Evans, C., Smart, S., Reed MS, Kenter, J. and Clark, J. (2012). Restoration of lowland raised bogs in Scotland:Emissions savings and the implications of a changing climate on lowland raised bog condition. Report to the IUCN Peatland Committee & the Scottish Wildlife Trust.
Rowcroft P, Smith S, Clarke L, Thomson K, Reed MS (2011) Barriers and Opportunities to the Use of Payments for Ecosystem Services. DEFRA commissioned report
Reed MS, Winslow M, Sommer S, Bigas H, Martius C, Vogt J, Akhtar-Schuster M, Thomas R (2011) Knowledge management for monitoring and assessment of desertification, land degradation, drought and sustainable land management. In: Understanding Desertification and Land Degradation Trends, Proceedings of the UNCCD First Scientific Conference, 22–24 September 2009, during the UNCCD Ninth Conference of Parties, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union pp. 49-51.
Reed MS, Hubacek K (2011) Uplands in the Balance. RICS Land June-July, pp. 16-19
Bain, C., Bonn, A., Stoneman, R., Bruneau, P., Chapman, S., Coupar, A., Evans, M., Geary, B., Howat, M., Joosten, H., Keenleyside, C., Lindsay, R., Labadz, J., Littlewood, N., Lunt, P., Miller, C., Moxey, A., Orr, H., Reed MS, Shepherd, M., Smith, P., Swales, V., Thompson, D.B.A., Van de Noort, R., Wilson, J.D. , Worrall, F. (2011) Commission of Inquiry on UK Peatlands. IUCN UK Peatland Programme, Edinburgh.
van der Wal, R., A. Bonn, D. Monteith, Reed MS, K. Blackstock, N. Hanley, D. Thompson, M. Evans, I. Alonso, with T. Allot, H. Armitage, N. Beharry-Borg, J. Glass, J. McMorrow, L. Ross, R. Pakeman, S. Perry, D. Tinch. (2011) Mountains, Moorlands and Heathlands. In UK National Ecosystem Assessment, UNEP, WCMC and DEFRA
Worrall, F., Clay, G.D., Marrs, R., Reed MS (2011) Impacts of Burning Management on Peatlands, IUCN Technical Review 5, IUCN UK Peatland Programme, Edinburgh
Reed MS, Buckmaster S, Moxey AP, Keenleyside C, Fazey I, Scott I, Thomson K, Thorp S, Anderson R, Bateman I, Bryce R, Christie M, Glass J, Hubacek K, Quinn C, Maffey G, Midgely A, Robinson G, Stringer LC, Lowe P, Slee R (2011) Policy Options for Sustainable Management of UK Peatlands, IUCN Technical Review 12, IUCN UK Peatland Programme, Edinburgh
Crona B, Ernstson H, Prell C, Reed MS, Hubacek K (2011) Combining social network approaches with social theories to improve understanding of natural resource governance. In Prell C, Bodin O (eds.) Social networks and natural resource management, Cambridge University Press.
Prell C, Reed MS, Hubacek K (2011) Social network analysis for stakeholder selection and the links to social learning and adaptive co-management. In Prell C, Bodin O (eds.) Social networks and natural resource management, Cambridge University Press.
Holden, J; Reed MS; Hubacek, K; Worrall, F; Beharry-Borg, N; Burt, T; Chapman, P; Dougill, A; Fraser, E; Irvine, B; Jin, N; Kirkby, M; Prell, C; Quinn, C; Termansen, M; Buckmaster, S (2010) Sustainable uplands for sustainable lowlands. In: Atherden, M; Bloomer, A; Wallace, V (Ed)Yorkshire’s green and healthy land? Connecting urban and rural greenspace., PLACE, pp.22-30.
Hubacek K, Reed MS (2010) Lessons learned from participatory planning and management in the Peak District National Park, England. In: Allen, Catherine and George Stankey (eds.). Adapative Environmental Management: A practical guide. Springer.
Hubacek, Klaus, Nesha Beharry, Aletta Bonn, Tim Burt, Joseph Holden, Federica Ravera, Reed MS, Lindsay Stringer, David Tarrasón (2010) Ecosystem services in dynamic and contested landscapes: the case of UK uplands. In: Winter, Michael and Matt Lobley (eds). Land Use and Management: The New Debate Earthscan. London.
Reed MS (2009) Knowledge management for monitoring and assessment of desertification, land degradation, drought and sustainable land management. Proceedings of the UNCCD First Scientific Conference, Buenos Aires, 22–24 September 2009.
Akhtar-Schuster M, Chasek P, Reed MS, Requier-Desjardins M, Sperlich S, Stringer LC, Thomas, R (2009) Monitoring and Assessment of Desertification and Land Degradation: Knowledge Management, Institutions and Economics. White Paper of the DSD Working Group 3, United Nations University Desertification Series No. 9. Edited by: Mariam Akhtar-Schuster, Harriet Bigas and Richard Thomas. United Nations University, DSD and DesertNet International.
Reed MS (2009) Best practice stakeholder participation for conservation. Current Conservation
Slee B, Bergmann H, Brown I, Huband S, McCracken D, Reed MS, Renwick A, Sutherland L-A, Thomson S (2009) Realising the contribution of rural land use to Sustainable Economic Growth, A report to the Scottish Government.
Arblaster K, Reed MS, Fraser EDG, Hubacek K, Potter C (2009) Using scenarios to explore upland futures. In: Bonn A, K Hubacek, J Stewart & T Allott (eds) Drivers of Change in Uplands, Routledge
Reed MS (2009) Participatory Technology Development for Agroforestry Extension: An Innovation-Decision Approach. In: Ghosh S (ed.) Participatory Rural Development, Academic Journals
Reed MS (2009) Participatory Technology Development for Agroforestry Extension: An Innovation-Decision Approach. In: Pokiya T (ed.) Agroforestry for Improved Livelihood and Food Security, Icfai University Press, Ahmedabad, India
Reed MS & Dougill AJ (2008) Participatory land degradation assessment. In: T Schaaf & C Lee (eds.) The Future of Drylands, UNESCO, Springer, Dordrecht pp. 719-729
Reed MS, Bartels G, Croal P, Dougill AJ, Esler KJ, Kellner K, Milton SJ, Taylor MJ, Waters-Bayer A, Zimmerman I & Bayer W (2008) Veld Health Check: a manual for Southwest Kgalagadi farmers. UNDP/UNEP and University of Leeds, University of Leeds Press.
Stringer LC, Reed MS, Holden J (2008) Response to DEFRA’s Consultation on the Draft Soil Strategy for England, Sustainable Uplands project
Reed MS, Suckall N (2008) Participatory Methods Training Workshop Manual, University of Leeds Press.
Parish F, Silvius M, Reed MS, Stringer LC, Joosten H, Suryadiputra N, Lin CK (2007) Management of peatlands for biodiversity and climate change. In: Parish F, Sirin A, Charman D, Joosten H, Minaeva T and Silvius M (eds.) Assessment on peatlands, biodiversity and climate change. Global Environment Centre, Kuala Lumpur and Wetlands International, Wageningen.
Liddon A, Reed MS, Hubacek K (2007) Uplands under pressure, RICS Land Journal, Nov/Dec: 19
Dougill AJ & Reed MS (2006) Framework for community-based rangeland sustainability assessment in the Kalahari, Botswana. In: Hill J, Woodland W, Hill A (eds.) Sustainable Development: National Aspirations, Local Implementation Ashgate Publishing, pp. 31-49
Dougill AJ and Reed MS (2005) Integrating Community and Scientific Sustainability Indicators to Facilitate Participatory Desertification Monitoring and Sustainable Rangeland Management in Botswana. In: Holland, J. & Campbell, J. (eds.) Methods, Knowledge and Power: Combining qualitative and quantitative development research, ITDG Publications.
Reed MS (2005) Participatory Rangeland Monitoring and Management in the Kalahari, Botswana. PhD Thesis, School of Earth & Environment, University of Leeds.
Reed MS, Hubacek K & Prell C (2005) Sustainable Upland Management for Multiple Benefits: a multi-stakeholder response to the Heather & Grass Burning Code Consultation. Project report submitted to DEFRA’s consultation on the review of the Heather and Grass Etc. (Burning) Regulations 1986 and the Heather and Grass Burning Code 1994.
Reed MS (2004) Participatory Rangeland Monitoring and Management Indigenous Vegetation Project Publication 003/005, United Nations Development Programme, Gaborone: Government Press
Reed MS (2003) Call of the Kalahari: Finding a future for a fragile landscape, Explorers Journal Fall 2003: 30-33
Reed MS & Dougill AJ (2003) Participatory Indicator Development: Workshop Manual Indigenous Vegetation Project Publication 003/015, United Nations Development Programme, Gaborone: Government Press